Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Advocate Lawyers


So, advocate lawyers are required to appear in front of the court or the boards for any of the administrative tribunals, mediators of the arbitrators. To become an effective advocate, it should be considered that whenever any case is being represented by such a lawyer, he should gather all the facts of the case in a proper and inconsistent manner, handling such evidence relating to the case in a persuasive manner. A lawyer should handle the case on the behalf of the client in a manner which is being expected by such a Court or Tribunal and discharging his duties in a fair, reasonable and competent manner in order to achieve the administration of Justice.

The theory of the case

The theory of the case basically means the facts of the case which has to be presented in front of the court by the lawyer on the behalf of the client. The theory of the facts of the case is the facts of the case which is the most important part of the matter which is to be resolved by the court or the Tribunal as it is such representation of the facts which would lead to conclude whether the clients claim is genuine or fabricated. Even the opponent party also has a contract of his case which has to represent his own version in front of the court. So it is the lawyer's goal or the main objective to make his theory of the fact to be more compelling and honest. Lawyers in Chandigarh good option to hire lawyers. Bring the facts of the case should be started initially at the time of the first client interview.

Developing or preparing the theory or the facts of the case 

The lawyer's first and the foremost step is to investigate the facts of the case with the search fast of the case which has been stated by the client is genuine, fair and not malafide. Lawyers should try to make periodic meetings to the client and gather as much evidence and documents to validate the facts of the case which has been said by the client is genuine and presentable to the court. The investigation as to the fact of the case should be started as soon as the letter of engagement of the retainer’s agreement is being formed between the Lawyer and the client. The lawyer should try to keep a stack of all the evidence and related documents which are required to be available at the time of hearing in front of the court.

After considering the facts of the case the law is required to do certain legal Research and take out case laws which determine that the facts of the case which has been stated by the client was genuine, honest and in the reasonable and fair manner. The legal research actually adds up to the facts of the case which is helpful in building a strong argument in front of the court.

Lawyer at time of preserving the evidence, is required and necessary from the lawyers part that whenever he is explaining any kind of fact which he has to correlate it with the evidence which he had preserved at the time of action of the hearing or at the time of Defence and should each fact with the respect of evidence procured by him and challenging the opposite counsel to challenge such evidence.

A competent or reasonable lawyer is considered to be the one who takes up a realistic approach and finding out both the negatives and positives of the client's case and also determines as to how to address such a case in his favor. It should also be considered that whatever the claim of the remedy which is being demanded by the client is even logical as per the fact of the case or not. Such facts of the case should provide a reasonable explanation including those facts as well which are not in the favor and should reflect the entitlement of release which has been requested by the client. 

At the time of accessing the strength of the opponent's case it should be taken into consideration by the lawyer that how we can mold such a case in a manner that it becomes in the favor of his client or otherwise there can be any other reasonable option which the lawyer can go for the better interest or the benefit for the client like that of a settlement agreement outside the court. In case there is any new fact or any kind of new information which has been merged or come into light in front of the court then it is essential to evaluate its effect by giving such time to both the parties and they can prepare their arguments accordingly because such a new fact can also create an impact on the case.

Whatever the contention which has been provided by the lawyer on the behalf of the client it should be expressed in a paragraph form and such a paragraph should specify the facts with applicable legal principles or law with rules and regulations if any. Dreamers who have dream of settling in country like Canada should choose wisely his Canadian Immigration Lawyer who have full authority to guide him legally.

At the time of getting into the conclusion as to how to prepare the case and how to present it in front of the court that kind of consultation and advice should also be given and consulted with the client as well. So, both the parties that are the client and the lawyer should be on the same page before going in front of the court for seeking any kind remedy.

Advocate Lawyers

 Advocacy So, advocate lawyers are required to appear in front of the court or the boards for any of the administrative tribunals, mediators...